CAEL Exam Preparation

CAEL Exam Preparation and Practice

Do you need practice for the CAEL Exam? Our CAEL practice tests contain all parts of the exam, just like the actual CAEL examination.


CAEL Exam Preparation Book

Get the book on Amazon or as a PDF download.

For free samples of our instant downloads and more information on the format of the CAEL speaking, integrated reading, integrated listening, and Academic Units A & B tests, please visit our  CAEL Reading, Listening, Academic Units, and Speaking Test pages.

For information on how to download a PDF of 2 CAEL practice tests, please visit the CAEL Practice Materials page.

The CAEL is the Canadian Academic English Language Assessment. The CAEL Test is an assessment of the English language used in academic situations in colleges and universities in Canada.

Exam Success Group publishes the CAEL Exam practice materials on this website.

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The purpose of the exam is to assess the English language ability and level of students who are planning to study in Canada.

For this reason, the CAEL tests academic English in the way that it is actually used in Canadian colleges and universities.

The CAEL test contains five parts. Each CAEL test has speaking, reading, and listening sections, as well as Academic Units A & B.

The CAEL Exam is an integrated exam. Therefore, you will have speaking tasks after the reading and listening sections, and writing tasks after the reading and listening sections on the Academic Units.

The reading, listening, and writing tasks for the Academic Units on the CAEL are all on the same topic.

English Lessons

Do you want English lessons or online English classes? If so, please click on the link above.

Work in Canada for CAEL Students

The Work in Canada Page gives information about applying for student jobs in Canada.

Scholarships Financial Aid Page for CAEL Students

Scholarships Financial Aid Page – College scholarships and college grants can be obtained from a number of educational organizations and foundations.

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